Case Study: twisty

Next time your ideal customer needs what you provide, make sure you’re the first solution that comes to mind!

Slice - You browse, we pay
2 min readFeb 21, 2024

Slice helped a new text-to-video service hit more than 1,500,000 impressions for less than $700. Using Slice, the customer was not only able to reach potential users but also to reach a segment of the population that is otherwise impossible to reach with web ads. We call them the “invisible 40%” of the Internet — ad block users.

At Slice, we’ve decided to make ads more palatable to users by splitting our ad revenue with them. Each time someone sees an ad from Slice, they’re making money. So ad block users whitelist Slice ads — and only Slice ads — when they browse online.

Twisty is an AI-powered service that helps users turn a text prompt into an animated scene. The company calls itself “the #1 place to create amazing videos using just text prompts and your imagination.” Businesses want to capture their customers’ attention and creators want to leave an impression on their viewers with unique graphics. Twisty helps you to do this.

Using Slice’s native ad format, Twisty reached 1,500,000 impressions with a CTR of 0.79%. All this for less than $700.

Slice’s $0.10 CPC default pricing model allows brands to reach a large user base without breaking the bank. In this scenario, $700 means 7,000 clicks to your website or offer, which is why you’re running ads in the first place!

Slice does the work of serving ads to our user base, and you only pay when someone is ready to click. Because of this model, Twisty was able to capture new leads at a very affordable price. But thanks to the large number of impressions they had with their campaign, they were able to get 1,500,000 touches closer to converting thousands of future customers.

If you are interested in advertising to the “invisible 40%,” reach out for a 1:1 consultation today or simply sign up and get started on your first campaign today.

Sign up for your first campaign now!



Slice is a free browser extension. Stop watching ads for free. Future you will be forever grateful.