The Price of Selling Out: Why We Value User Privacy Over Selling Data.

Slice - You browse, we pay
3 min readJul 6, 2023

When we were in the early stages of Slice, we had a decision to make. We could either disrupt the outdated advertising industry, an area we, as gamers and native ad-blocker users, knew was ripe for innovation. Or, we could try to compete with data giants like Facebook and Google, attempting to beat them at their own game with our small, bootstrapped startup of three people.

We hadn’t seen a startup effectively take on the likes of Zuckerberg in the data realm, and we didn’t want to compromise our commitment to user privacy. So, we chose to innovate in advertising.
Fast forward a year into the beta launch — our community has grown to 200,000 rebels, misfits, sats stackers, and rulebreakers (Poggers in the layer)! And things are getting more and more exciting on the B2B side as the user base grows.

Recently, we were approached with several offers to sell our user data. The propositions were roughly the same: to exchange the data of approximately 200,000 users for a mere 1 cent per user, amounting to a total of $2000. It’s an offer that, on the surface, might seem tempting to some. However, for anyone who truly values their community and understands the worth of each individual within it, such a proposition would prompt a serious reevaluation.

Moreover, the offer we received was frankly absurd when you consider the value our users gain with Slice. Given that our users spend an average of 4 hours a day browsing, they earn approximately 41.67 times more per minute with Slice than the paltry 1 cent per user offered for their entire month’s data. This stark contrast underscores the disparity between the value that companies place on user data and the actual value that users can derive from their own time and attention. It’s clear that the time our users spend online with Slice is far more valuable than what these companies are willing to offer for their data.

At Slice, we have always been committed to user privacy and data protection. And trust me, we have been scrutinized, ridiculed, and named “lowlifes and clowns,” but facts don’t care about the noise: we still don’t collect or store your browsing history, nor do we profile you. Your preferences are stored on your device and only leave when we request a new ad attached to a random identifier, not your personal identity.

At Slice, we envision an internet where users can browse without fretting over their data and attention being exploited. If it’s nearly impossible to avoid this (and it mostly is), then let’s shift the paradigm. Let’s ensure that the benefits of your online presence rain down on you, not just the tech moguls of the world. That’s why we designed Slice to work with any browser-based ad blocker, and we absolutely recommend you use one.

In conclusion, we believe that the value of user privacy is immeasurable. It’s not something that can be quantified in cents or dollars. It’s about respecting our community, honoring their trust, and upholding our commitment to protect their data. We will not sell out for a quick buck. Community Trust is Paramount.

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